in Myrtle Beach, SC

Getting the care you need, when you need it is easier said than done. Especially when you are anxious about treatment. It doesn’t have to be that way. Sedation makes your treatment soothing, painless, and stress-free.

Why should I choose sedation?

Intravenous (IV) sedation is a great option for patients who have significant dental anxiety, a strong gag reflex, claustrophobia, PTSD, difficulty getting numb with local anesthetics, or are unable to sit still for a long procedure.

Sedation treatment in Myrtle Beach

Did you know…

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About 40% of Americans are affected by dental anxiety.

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Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide, also known as "laughing gas" is used to reduce anxiety during endodontic treatment. Nitrous oxide does not put a patient to sleep, but it will help the mind relax. It is a gas that is delivered through a clear mask placed over the nose. You may feel a tingling or heavy sensation throughout your body. After nitrous oxide, patients are allowed to drive themselves home.

IV Sedation

During IV sedation, a qualified anesthesia professional (CRNA) will deliver medication directly into your bloodstream through an IV, causing you to enter into a deeply relaxed state. Your breathing, vital signs and responses to the medication are continuously monitored during your treatment and in the recovery period. Patients who have IV sedation will need someone to accompany them to our office and drive them home.

The Benefits of Sedation

Deeper, Fast-Acting Sedation

Intravenous administration of medications allows for a fast action - usually within a few minutes and produces a deeper level of sedation than nitrous oxide.

Quick Recovery

The recovery from IV sedation is much faster when compared to recovering from general anesthesia.

Amnestic Effect

The drugs used during IV sedation produce amnesia, which means you won't remember the treatment.

The Sedation Treatment Process

Health & Treatment Evaluation

First, your endodontist will review your treatment plan to determine if sedation is a good option for you. They will then discuss your past health history and any current health problems that may affect your ability to be sedated with your chosen method.

Address Needs & Concerns

Your endodontist and anesthesia provider will review your health history, ask questions, and discuss your particular needs and concerns. Medications for sedation are tailored directly for your anxiety level, procedure, and needs. An honest conversation with your provider will determine which sedation options will be best appropriate for you.

Discuss Recommendations & Options

With our recommendation and your input, we can help you choose the right option for your procedure. During treatment, we will closely monitor the sedation to ensure your experience is safe, painless, and comfortable.

Before & Afters

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Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

Is sedation safe?

Absolutely. Our team is qualified and experienced in providing all methods of sedation. While deeper forms of sedation like oral conscious sedation and IV sedation have more prolonged side effects compared to laughing gas, they are still very safe. With a trained professional, there are no serious risks to your health or well-being if you are a good candidate for sedation.

What is sedation used for in endodontics?

Sedation in endodontics minimizes pain and discomfort during root canals, endodontic retreatment, and more complicated procedures. It helps you feel more comfortable if you require multiple procedures and need to sit still for several hours during treatment.

What does sedation feel like?

Each sedation option feels a little different, so it depends on the method you choose. Laughing gas will make you feel light-headed, giggly, and relaxed, but you will be fully conscious and aware of your surroundings. You will also feel less discomfort during treatment.

On the other hand, IV sedation will usually make you groggy and “out of it”. You’ll probably fall asleep and forget most of your procedure. However, you will not be unconscious, and you can still be woken and respond to commands. General anesthesia is the deepest level of sedation. You will be completely unconscious and will not feel anything or remember anything from your procedure. No matter which sedation we choose, it will help you feel more relaxed, less claustrophobic, and lower your gag reflex for a painless procedure.

Am I a good candidate for sedation?

If you are healthy, do not have a history of drug abuse, and are not taking any medications that may interfere with the sedation process, you should be a good candidate for sedation. Reach out to our team to learn more about your options.

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